

924 Uppsatser om Lunds hospital - Sida 1 av 62

Lunds centrumhandel - Attraktionsfaktorer

En undersökning där vi försökt definiera en eller flera faktorer som är kritiska för Lunds centrumhandel. Intervjuer med ett flertal nyckelpersoner samt en omfattande enkätundersökning har genomförts..

Kvinnligt vansinne vid Lunds hospital : En undersökning om hospitalsvården av avgångna kvinnor åren 1879, 1896 samt 1916

Syftet med denna uppsats är att genom patientjournaler undersöka hur mentalpatienter har behandlats vid Lunds hospital under åren 1879,1896 samt 1916. Det som undersökts är vilka personer som intogs för vård, vilka intagningsskälen var, vilken diagnos som tilldelades de intagna samt vilken behandling de sinnessjuka fick. Källmaterialet har bestått av patientjournaler från avgångna patienter och detta material finns på Arkivcentrum Syd i Lund. Metoden som jag använt mig av har gått ut på att gå igenom journalerna och undersöka vilka diagnoser som tilldelades de sjuka, hur långa vistelsetiderna var, kvinnornas ålder och civilstånd, vilka intagningsorsakerna var samt vilka behandlingar och mediciner som ordinerades. Resultaten av undersökningen räknades sedan ihop och sammanställdes i tabeller vilka ligger som bilagor i arbetet.

Sjukhusbiblioteket som en resurs hur tillgodoses sjuksköterskors informationsbehov genom bibliotekets tjänster vid Södra Älvsborgs Sjukhus

The purpose of this study was to find out what are the information needs of the nurses and if the hospital library can satisfy these needs, and see how the hospital library reaches the nurses with their information provision. The main questions are: what kinds of service exist at the hospital library? What kinds of needs have the nurses concerning the hospital library? How are the needs satisfied by the hospital library? What marketing strategies are used by the hospital library to reach out to the nurses? Is it enough to achieve the goal? The method in this study was a case study with the emphasis on the qualitative interviews. The study was conducted at the hospital library at Södra Älvsborgs Sjukhus in Borås. The interviews concerned the nurses views on the hospital library, information needs and marketing.

Från misstro till möten - hinder och möjligheter i kommikationen mellan Lunds universitet och rikstäckande dagspress

Från misstro till möten. Hinder och möjligheter i kommunikationen mellan Lunds universitet och rikstäckande dagspress.Lunds universitet är Sveriges största universitet med ca 6 000 anställda och 40 000 studenter och bedriver utbildning på flera olika orter. Man kommunicerar med en rad olika målgrupper, varav en av de viktigaste externa målgrupperna är journalister inom radio, tv och dagspress. Sammanfattningsvis ställer detta mycket stora krav på kommunikationsarbetet och det gäller därför att optimera sin publicitet.Under hösten planerar Lunds universitet att utveckla sin presskommunikation och vårt uppdrag är ett led i detta utvecklingsarbete. Rapporten syftar därför till att fungera som ett beslutsunderlag för Informationsenheten vid Lunds universitet..

Föroreningsreduktioner i dagvattendammar i Lunds kommun

Fyra dagvattendammar i Lunds kommun har studerats med avseende på förmågan att uppta föroreningar som kommer med dagvattnet. Vilken betydelse för upptaget har ålder, storlek eller utformning på dammen. I vilken grad påverkar föregående torrperioder, regnintensitet och avrinningsområde. En litteratur studie har genomförts för att ta reda på hur en damm bör utformas på bästa sätt..

Tillgänglighet och användbarhet för barn i rullstol på lekplatser i Lunds kommun

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka tillgängligheten och användbarheten för barn i rullstol, på olika lekplatser i Lunds kommun. Fyra olika bedömningsinstrument/manualer användes för att bedöma tillgängligheten och användbarheten (Housing Enabler, egenkonstruerad checklista, egenkonstruerad intervjuguide och egenkonstruerad observationsmanual). Resultatet visade att lekplatser i Lunds kommun är långt ifrån så handikappanpassade som en anställd vid Lunds stadsbyggnadskontor påstod att de var. Majoriteten var heller inte tillgängliga och användbara, vilket delvis berodde på miljöns utformning, men också på ett barns funktionshinder.

Ny brandstation i Viskafors

ABSTRACTThe discussions about energy use have increased year by year everywhere in the society, and so also in the healthcare sector. But what is actually energy use in a hospital facility, and what affects it?The typical way today to express the energy use is in kWh/m2. The problem with a key performance indicator that is expressed as energy use in relation to a specific area is that it does not take into account the activity in the building. Even though the activity to a very high extent affects the energy use.

En ny förskola i Lerum

ABSTRACTThe discussions about energy use have increased year by year everywhere in the society, and so also in the healthcare sector. But what is actually energy use in a hospital facility, and what affects it?The typical way today to express the energy use is in kWh/m2. The problem with a key performance indicator that is expressed as energy use in relation to a specific area is that it does not take into account the activity in the building. Even though the activity to a very high extent affects the energy use.

Att nå ut med patientinformation en fallstudie av sjukhusbiblioteket i Västerås.

This study is an attempt to examine a hospital library's difficulties in reaching customers with consumer health information. The method was a case study of the consumer health service in the hospital library in Västerås, a town in Sweden. Qualitative interviews, observations and written material were used. The approach was from the actor's point of view with the intention to look upon the problem with the eyes of those who work at the hospital with information to patients, that is librarians and medical staff. Theories about marketing in service organizations and how to develop new services were used in the study, as well as theories about communication and different cultures within organizations of different kinds like the library and the hospital.

?Biblioterapi på sjukhus? ? en kvalitativ undersökning av sjukhusbibliotekariers syn på biblioterapi

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the role of bibliotherapy at hospitals and also what knowledge of and insights on bibliotherapy a few Swedish hospital librarians have. Questions investigated are: What role do the hospital librarians think literature has in the treatment of a patient? What is their view on their role as a hospital librarian and do they believe that they can have a part in the treatment of a patient? Is the concept bibliotherapy commonly used or is there another term in use? How important is the linkage between healing and literature? In this study, the view on bibliotherapy is limited to a hospital perspective. The purpose of the study is therefore to investigate bibliotherapy at the hospital. Six qualitative interviews with hospital librarians were performed at three general or combined general/medical hospital libraries.

Mina saker; Mitt rum. Patientrum för långtidssjuka barn och ungdomar

The aim of this project was to create an interior design for a children?s hospital patient room with the concept to adapt the room for the wide target group from 0-18 years of age. The analysis in the project is based on the hospital ward 322 at Drottning Silvias Children?s and Youth Hospital in Gothenburg. It?s an oncology ward where the children are very sensitive for infections and therefore need to be isolated in their rooms for 3-4 weeks.The main goal for the project was to create a room that works as a template and gives the people who lives in it the opportunity to create thier own room based on the personal things they bring into it, and how they decide to furnish and use the room.The result of the project is a template room with fixed furniture that can be transformed due to screens in the room.

Svenska Röda Korset-sjukhuset i Pusan 1950-58 : En studie av den svenska insatsen med avseende på dess varierande verksamhetsfokus samt generella utveckling

The aim of this paper is two-fold. Firstly, it is the production of a historical and chronological narrative describing the development of the Swedish Red Cross Hospital in Pusan during the years 1950-58. Secondly, it is the investigation of the objectives and aspirations of the organisations and institutions involved and how they affected how the hospital developed during the wartime years and up until the inauguration of the Scandinavian educational hospital, the National Medical Centre, in Seoul. Shortly after the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950 Sweden, a neutral nation, offered to send a contingent for the establishment of a 200 bed mobile field hospital which was to be subjected to the command of the Eighth US Army in Korea. In the end a larger semimobile evacuation hospital was set up in Pusan where both UN soldiers and PoWs were treated, and it came to be known as the Swedish Red Cross Hospital. The decrease in and finally the cessation of hostilities in 1953 opened up for treatment of Korean civilian patients and such work was conducted not only at the Swedish hospital but all over Pusan, though initially it was not formally sanctioned by American and UN authorities.

Arkitektur på naturens villkor - Att bygga med "cradle to cradle" som metod

ABSTRACTThe discussions about energy use have increased year by year everywhere in the society, and so also in the healthcare sector. But what is actually energy use in a hospital facility, and what affects it?The typical way today to express the energy use is in kWh/m2. The problem with a key performance indicator that is expressed as energy use in relation to a specific area is that it does not take into account the activity in the building. Even though the activity to a very high extent affects the energy use.

Energianvändning i sjukhuslokaler. Analys baserad på verksamhetsrelaterade nyckeltal

ABSTRACTThe discussions about energy use have increased year by year everywhere in the society, and so also in the healthcare sector. But what is actually energy use in a hospital facility, and what affects it?The typical way today to express the energy use is in kWh/m2. The problem with a key performance indicator that is expressed as energy use in relation to a specific area is that it does not take into account the activity in the building. Even though the activity to a very high extent affects the energy use.

Barnens trädgård : Barnsjukhusets utemiljö - Uppsala

The outdoor environment at Children's hospital, the University Hospital, Uppsala, is used by sick children at the Children's hospital, their families and the hospital staff. The staff at the Children's hospital wanted to render the site more attractive and available. This graduation thesis is a proposal about how the outdoor environment at the Children's hospital can be improved. The aim is to design an environment for the sick children, their families and the hospital staff that will serve as a place for relaxation and privacy, as well as for play and movement. In order to find support for the redesign of this site I read literature about theories concerning healing environments, healing gardens, children's play and designs for children.

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